Saturday, December 29, 2007
At war
But then i return to London, not at all keen, because after some research and quite a few sleepless nights I've realised that my room/shoe box/wardrobe/whatever you wanna call it is infested by bed bugs. So f*ing disgusting. I HATE LONDON.
All day today; some serious vacuuming (yes, dragged my trustworthy knight in shiny plastic all the way back here from Swe) and enthusiastic poisoning of the room. Now I've banned myself from the apartment for the eve in the naive hope that when i return there will be NO a) disgusting horrible creep waiting to chew on me and/or b) no poison left in the air that will slowly kill me in my sleep.
Sleep tight and don't let the..... x
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Home for XMAS!
Lis x
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Things I don’t understand about London
Why do the supermarket people insist on packing all the heavy stuff in one bag and all the light stuff in another? ending up leaning slightly to the right because I‘m daredevil-ish enough to buy smoothie, milk, juice and water at the same time is NOT cool
Why can’t commuters understand the simple rule of “let people off the train before boarding”? it will NOT go quicker to get on the train if having a shuffling match in two opposite directions
Why do all the signs and screens at the train station always go out when trains are delayed so you can’t get any info at all on when it will decide to show up?
Why do bus drivers find it sooo funny to wait at the stop until you’re breathing distance away from the door and then drive off?
And WHY do I always whine so much…? :) :) :)
Friday, November 30, 2007
A laugh for the weekend
Brill weekend all! x
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Things I want right now.
- A blue striped Mini Cooper
- An English Toy Terrier puppy
- A Chloe Paddington bag in light brown
- An aquarium made of a vintage Television Set
- A bag of crisps - any flavour really. Except BBQ.
If you feel like donating any of the above mentioned, just let me know.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Love & Hate.
- having faced shoved into sweaty people’s armpits on the tube
- listening to weirdoes screaming their heads off outside my window
- strolling thru garbage and used nappies on a hot summers eve
Love London.
- having coffee in Starbucks with friends
- listening to cool bands with the music gang a weekday eve
- strolling in Kensington Palace Gardens a chilly autumn morning
Monday, November 26, 2007
One of those mornings.
Missed bus.
Stumbled over own feet down tube escalator.
Hurt right ankle.
Spilled coffee.
Missed train.
Missed bus.
Spilled tea.
Deleted important script.
Spilled water.
It’s now 9.40 am.
Friday, November 23, 2007
And to think I never knew....

Check out for more fun.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Reasons to smile at the zoo

1. The little boy with the notepad constantly giving me lectures about reptiles – while I’m officially holding the talk (and yes, he knows a lot more than me!)
2. The slightly frisky monkey couple – getting up to “activities” while their poor baby holds on for life on the mother’s back
3. The older lady gorilla showing off her extensive climbing skills – while sporting an attractive brown sack cloth over her head
Monday, November 19, 2007
Just remembered that I actually have a blog.
Spent the magical first minutes of the New Year (and the not-so-magical half an hour preceding them) trapped in an elevator the size of a shoe box with approx 25 other happy campers, all in various stages of panic attacks. We did have champagne though.
Started to go slightly mad – decided to swap jobs to retain what’s left of my sanity. AND started working as a volunteer at London Zoo; every other Sunday is spent with our closest cousins.
New job – same company, less head ache, less heart attacks. Two weeks holiday in a rainy London – and a brill weekend in a rainy Barcelona with the two blondes!
Didn’t go home for Easter. Think it was raining.
We actually had sun in London. And lots of it too!
Have no idea what I did this month. But I bet it was raining.
Paris with A & J – brill time, not-so-brill weather. But managed to pap both Goofy and Mickey Mouse and that’s all that counts. More hols, more rain, more London. And a promotion at work! Woohoo!
Raining. New job starting – producing trailers now for real. It’s cool. Hard work; leaning slightly towards starting some healthy drug abuse, but hey, it’s fun.
B’day. Even older. Tick tack. Barcelooooona again, this time w sun!!!!
Cold. Rainy. Made a complete arse of myself at the office Kick-Off. And FINALLY – after 1,5 years of being lazy for Britain – I’ve join the gym. Applauds please! Banish those bingo wings to hell! To hell I tell you!! (Not to mention all those chocolate éclairs…..)
Even colder, even rainier. And some sad stuff... But still, mostly, all good!
Well, obviously haven't happened yet.... But my goals are:
- no rain
- less chocolate éclairs
- not making an arse of myself at the office X-mas party
Wish me luck.