Thursday, July 23, 2009

Long time, no write...

Hi guys,

It's been ages, I know - mainly because this whole job thing is still dragging on - yes, seriously, i still don't know the answer. Could be another month now apparently. Love my job, so still hoping for the best. Am hopeful all will work out!

So, what else has happened since April? Well normal stuff really; hanging with friends, working hard, having random crushes on cute boys, going to the gym, shopping far too much.... You know, the usual.

And - I've been to Spain with Johanna. It was lovely lovely lovely! Will write a belated travel diary in my next post! (And no, it won't take 3 months between posts anymore... ;))

More fun is coming up; Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August with Jessi - gonna be brilliant fun. Plus mum really really wants me to come over to Fagersta one weekend sooooooon so I'll do my best!

Watch out for the Spain post, coming up shortly!

Over and out,

L x