Friday, August 11, 2006

Not-so-quick update

Oh have I been busy! Work tempo got put on over-drive two weeks ago; massive deadline after enormous deadline. But it's still fun, I still like it. Am settling in now, think I got it (mainly) under control. That seems to be the view of the management too; grand! Nice people, nice environment, feeling needed; cool.

Free time has been spent mostly arguing with more or less freakish customer service people re random missing packages/cancelled deliveries. 1) my hair straightener has disappeared while being delivered ("there is no record of it being delivered at your address yet, miss"; no shit!), 2) my docking/speaker set for my iPod was apparently cancelled and undeliverable "for unknown reason" ("the courier couldn't seem to find your address, miss, are you sure it's correct?"; "you delivered my iPod at exactly the same address two weeks ago"; "aha, ok, yes, but..."). Intriguing.

Liking my little apartment too. Eventual nightly visits to the "little ladies room" major inconvenience; get dressed/walk down big stairs/walk up little stairs/forgot keys/go back and repeat. But apart from that; feel comfy and relaxed at home as should.

J & boyfr visited in ultra-speed - arrived 19.30pm, left 08.00am - much fun! Very timed, very scheduled bayswater-paddington-edgware rd bar round finished up in old quarters; drinking with the Ex's best friends (as per usual it seems). Good old fun.

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