Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Swedish XMAS

Sitting in "my" room in my parents house (which by the way made J and boyfriend shake their heads furiously in disbelief - it is even smaller than my London apartment), relaxing the day away. I've sort of gone into a zombie mode; spending my days watching awful films with my oldest brother (National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, anyone?), eating far to much chocolate and cuddling the not-always-cuddly baby dog. It's sooo nice.

Christmas day was spent at my aunts (whom I'm still pissed off with after the disastrous London visit in November which I haven't told you about but anyway). Got presents, ate food, the usual stuff. No snow in sight, but still felt like a good old Swedish XMAS. Way too much meat for my taste - but it's all part of the scene.

London after New Years. Happy holidays everyone!

Lis xx

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