Thursday, January 10, 2008

Quick update!

- Still bed bugs, still freaking disgusting; but at least i'm getting laminate flooring now and a new bed... die carpet, die.

- Going well at work, am for first time really happy with something i'm working on; feels good! not finished yet, but will be on air on TV3 etc in all countries shortly. Yehey!

- Looking for new place; have however realised I need to win the lottery first... alternatively give up any ideas on any kind of standard.

- Summer plans; some already - i'll go to Barca again in August w the girls and some boys; fun fun fun!

- And i promise, i will, for sure, definitely this time, come to Sthlm and visit this spring - and to Gbg in the summer if all works out!

xx Lis


Melinda Watts said...

BED BUGS!!??? Geez, I didn't think London was the place to find such awful things! Sorry to hear they've found you there! Thanks for the comment on my most recent blog!! Cape Town is incredible..I definitely suggest to go one day!:) We'll make plans to meet up in March over the next little while. Can't wait to see you again!

Lisa B said...

i know - a year and a half in australia and thailand and i NEVER EVEN SAW ONE! and now after living in my flat for 1,5 years - they suddenly migrate from the hostel next door into mine.... brrr.....

anyway, enjoy the next couple of weeks away and see you soon! :):)