Tomorrow Scotland and the festival, yey!!
For those how you that have never been, Fringe Festival is the biggest arts festival in the world - and also the number-one tourist attraction in the whole of Britain! All according to; check it out!
Really looking forward to it, gonna have a blast with Jess! Just keeping fingers crossed for the weather, every time I've been Edinburgh it's been like taking a shower every time you step outside the door..... Wish us luck this time! ;)
L x
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Good news!
It's finally settled - I'm keeping my job! Hurrah!
How to celebrate.... hmmm... shopping?! ;)
L x
How to celebrate.... hmmm... shopping?! ;)
L x
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Andalucia -09.
This was the route:
Malaga - Ronda - Sevilla - Cadiz - Estepona - Nerja - Granada - Malaga.
This was the weather:
Hot, hot, hot, hoooooot. And sunny - absolutely gorgeous!
This was the mission:
Beach, culture, food, chill, fun!
Jojo took charge of the driving, I of the navigation. Considering that we had no road map and guided our little car through a quite substantial part of Andalucia using only a Top 10 Guidebook and mobile photos of Google Earth, I think we did very well indeed.
Short summary in photos:

On the road.

Gorgeous Ronda.

Seville Cathedral - magnificent.


Nerja - pretty close to paradise.

View over Alhambra & Granada.
Malaga - Ronda - Sevilla - Cadiz - Estepona - Nerja - Granada - Malaga.
This was the weather:
Hot, hot, hot, hoooooot. And sunny - absolutely gorgeous!
This was the mission:
Beach, culture, food, chill, fun!
Jojo took charge of the driving, I of the navigation. Considering that we had no road map and guided our little car through a quite substantial part of Andalucia using only a Top 10 Guidebook and mobile photos of Google Earth, I think we did very well indeed.
Short summary in photos:
On the road.
Gorgeous Ronda.
Seville Cathedral - magnificent.
Nerja - pretty close to paradise.
View over Alhambra & Granada.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Long time, no write...
Hi guys,
It's been ages, I know - mainly because this whole job thing is still dragging on - yes, seriously, i still don't know the answer. Could be another month now apparently. Love my job, so still hoping for the best. Am hopeful all will work out!
So, what else has happened since April? Well normal stuff really; hanging with friends, working hard, having random crushes on cute boys, going to the gym, shopping far too much.... You know, the usual.
And - I've been to Spain with Johanna. It was lovely lovely lovely! Will write a belated travel diary in my next post! (And no, it won't take 3 months between posts anymore... ;))
More fun is coming up; Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August with Jessi - gonna be brilliant fun. Plus mum really really wants me to come over to Fagersta one weekend sooooooon so I'll do my best!
Watch out for the Spain post, coming up shortly!
Over and out,
L x
It's been ages, I know - mainly because this whole job thing is still dragging on - yes, seriously, i still don't know the answer. Could be another month now apparently. Love my job, so still hoping for the best. Am hopeful all will work out!
So, what else has happened since April? Well normal stuff really; hanging with friends, working hard, having random crushes on cute boys, going to the gym, shopping far too much.... You know, the usual.
And - I've been to Spain with Johanna. It was lovely lovely lovely! Will write a belated travel diary in my next post! (And no, it won't take 3 months between posts anymore... ;))
More fun is coming up; Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August with Jessi - gonna be brilliant fun. Plus mum really really wants me to come over to Fagersta one weekend sooooooon so I'll do my best!
Watch out for the Spain post, coming up shortly!
Over and out,
L x
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
En månad kvar...
...innan någon annan, inte jag, bestämmer vilken riktning mitt liv kommer ta den närmsta framtiden. Håller tummarna. Hoppas på det bästa.
Förändring är inte önskeordet just nu - längre fram ja, men låt mig välja när. Snälla.
L x
Förändring är inte önskeordet just nu - längre fram ja, men låt mig välja när. Snälla.
L x
Kära Sverige.

Vad trevligt det var att träffa dig i all din vårvintriga glans! Som vårdande balsam för själen att vandra längs istäckt sjö med världens lyckligaste hund bredvid sig; att känna vinden bita lite sådär lagom i kinderna medan solen långsamt går ner över lila och rosafärgade grantoppar.
Ibland längtar jag.
L x
PS. Det var hemskt fruktansvärt underbart ljuvligt trevligt att träffa er också - Claudi, Jojo, Roubis, Lollo, Salmis, Axel, mamma, Bosse, lillebror. DS.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunshine outside - and inside.
It's been a lovely weekend. Sunny, unusually warm for March, gloriously blue skies.
Yest walked both sides of Thames; south with A & C, north lost in my own thoughts. Later went out with the ViaS girls; weird slash amusing tiny tiny basement club which gave me an almost irresistible impulse to burst out in song: "Let's do the time-warp agaaaaain"... Incredible outfits: full on Austin Power girls mixed with indie/60s/etc. Shame had to leave-with-the-last-tube as per always... well, well; fun while it lasted!
Today has been one of those homely days. Launderette-ing/hoovering/cleaning/sorting/fixing. Hate cleaning but looooove it when all done.
Now; relax.
L x
Yest walked both sides of Thames; south with A & C, north lost in my own thoughts. Later went out with the ViaS girls; weird slash amusing tiny tiny basement club which gave me an almost irresistible impulse to burst out in song: "Let's do the time-warp agaaaaain"... Incredible outfits: full on Austin Power girls mixed with indie/60s/etc. Shame had to leave-with-the-last-tube as per always... well, well; fun while it lasted!
Today has been one of those homely days. Launderette-ing/hoovering/cleaning/sorting/fixing. Hate cleaning but looooove it when all done.
Now; relax.
L x
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Two crazy weeks.
It's been two crazy weeks at work - as in lots and lots and lots and lots of things to do. Hopefully the bulk of it is now done, wehey!! It better be actually, cuz I'm off on hols most of next week - to Sweeeeden!! Brill, can't wait! :)
Today is a glorious sunny day and I'm off to meet some friends for a loooong walk by the Thames. Life is good.
L x
Today is a glorious sunny day and I'm off to meet some friends for a loooong walk by the Thames. Life is good.
L x
Saturday, March 14, 2009
It's been a crazy crazy week at work - not gonna go into detail cuz that would be very boring indeed - but let's just say that everything that in any way shape or form whatsoever could go wrong has done so. Either you tear you hair out or you laugh. So I've laughed a lot! ;)
So yeah, TGIW. Weekends rock! Just chilling at Starbucks now, drinking Chai Tea Latte (skinny, extra Chai) and fighting off the remains of my slight hangover from yesterday.
Went out with the blondes around Hoxton, ate Moroccan mezze, danced to silly tunes (yes, the famous microwave-soup-dance made an appearance), looked at cute boys, drank far too much red wine. Plus found the most delicious espresso-honey-Kahlua-chocolate-ish cocktail ever.
Now; chill.
L x
So yeah, TGIW. Weekends rock! Just chilling at Starbucks now, drinking Chai Tea Latte (skinny, extra Chai) and fighting off the remains of my slight hangover from yesterday.
Went out with the blondes around Hoxton, ate Moroccan mezze, danced to silly tunes (yes, the famous microwave-soup-dance made an appearance), looked at cute boys, drank far too much red wine. Plus found the most delicious espresso-honey-Kahlua-chocolate-ish cocktail ever.
Now; chill.
L x
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Letting go..?
If you know me, you know I like to have things controlled/planned/organized. Not everything of course, I don't care much about small silly things like which movie to see/where to have lunch/which bar to go to/etc. But when it comes to my own life I like to feel that I'm in control, not being controlled.
I'm having a lot of difficulty at the moment accepting that in "the current economic climate" etc etc; I really don't have much say at all in what's happening in my life. No one does, of course - I'm not stupid, I realise that. But I'm used to having choices, to be able to steer my life where I want it to go. And so far - in a very broad sense - wherever I've wanted to be, that's where I've ended up.
All of a sudden I'm not in control of anything - life/living/work... it's really scaring me.
But I have to learn to take a deep breath and let go for once. Otherwise I'll worry myself sick. So here we go, deep breaths, closed eyes, counting slowly to ten....
....letting go.
L x
I'm having a lot of difficulty at the moment accepting that in "the current economic climate" etc etc; I really don't have much say at all in what's happening in my life. No one does, of course - I'm not stupid, I realise that. But I'm used to having choices, to be able to steer my life where I want it to go. And so far - in a very broad sense - wherever I've wanted to be, that's where I've ended up.
All of a sudden I'm not in control of anything - life/living/work... it's really scaring me.
But I have to learn to take a deep breath and let go for once. Otherwise I'll worry myself sick. So here we go, deep breaths, closed eyes, counting slowly to ten....
....letting go.
L x
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Marley & Me.
Yesterday, me and Cissi went to a free preview screening of Marley & Me, starring Jennifer Aniston & Owen Wilson - plus an adorable cast of various dogs of course.
I would really recommend this film; especially to anyone who ever have had the privilege of sharing their life with one of those glorious creatures called dogs. The movie is funny, sweet, sad at times - mainly lighthearted admittedly, but also with darker moments. It doesn't get too fluffy. And don't worry; it's not all about dog-human relationships; there's quite a bit of the human-human variety too.
I can't speak for Cissi, but I certainly had a tear in my eye at the end.
L x
Monday, March 02, 2009
Worries & Chocolate.
Everyday you read about thousands and thousands more people being made redundant/unemployed/not needed. In all countries, in all cities, in all types of businesses. Even in little Fagersta hundreds and hundreds, out of a total workforce of a few thousand, are now - or will soon - be unemployed. Scary.
I don't like uncertainty. So I've been eating a lot of chocolate recently.
I don't really think chocolate will solve any major world crises. But oh my good does it taste good. Mmm. And a bag of Maltesers can surely keep your mind occupied for, like, 10 whole minutes. I guess that means I would have to eat, like, 96 bags per day to keep my mind completely off the state of the world... Honestly, I wouldn't mind.
More chocolate to the people, y'all.
L x
I don't like uncertainty. So I've been eating a lot of chocolate recently.
I don't really think chocolate will solve any major world crises. But oh my good does it taste good. Mmm. And a bag of Maltesers can surely keep your mind occupied for, like, 10 whole minutes. I guess that means I would have to eat, like, 96 bags per day to keep my mind completely off the state of the world... Honestly, I wouldn't mind.
More chocolate to the people, y'all.
L x
Friday, February 27, 2009
My useless body.
Here I am, trying to get into the routine of going to the gym regularly. Trying hard to make my body healthier, fitter, stronger.
And how does my body thank me? By completely malfunctioning at every opportunity it gets!!
This year, I've had constant colds, one after another, like, totally, the whole year so far. A few weeks ago my neck nearly killed me after yoga; all last week I was limping after the treadmill; this week my left knee stopped working after the cross trainer. Pain pain pain!
I'm trying to be good here, body. Cooperate!!
And how does my body thank me? By completely malfunctioning at every opportunity it gets!!
This year, I've had constant colds, one after another, like, totally, the whole year so far. A few weeks ago my neck nearly killed me after yoga; all last week I was limping after the treadmill; this week my left knee stopped working after the cross trainer. Pain pain pain!
I'm trying to be good here, body. Cooperate!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tomorrow is payday.
You have no idea how much I wanna shop. Shop, shop, SHOP! the more I hear of doom and gloom and redundancies and cut backs and recruitment stops, the more I want to shop shop shop and spend spend spend.
Not ideal.
What i should be doing is nesting, saving, planning, budgeting, preparing.
What i want to do is shopping - new clothes, furniture, a digital SLR, and shoes shoes shoes.
My empty wallet is itching. Tomorrow it will be replenished - but for how long....?
To shop or not to shop - that is the question.
L x
You have no idea how much I wanna shop. Shop, shop, SHOP! the more I hear of doom and gloom and redundancies and cut backs and recruitment stops, the more I want to shop shop shop and spend spend spend.
Not ideal.
What i should be doing is nesting, saving, planning, budgeting, preparing.
What i want to do is shopping - new clothes, furniture, a digital SLR, and shoes shoes shoes.
My empty wallet is itching. Tomorrow it will be replenished - but for how long....?
To shop or not to shop - that is the question.
L x
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The realities of war...
Three British soldiers were killed in Afghanistan today.
One of them was the little brother of someone I know. Only 21 years old. He had but a few weeks of service left before he was due back on British soil. Now he's gone.
The pain in his big sisters eyes was indescribable.
A sad day.
One of them was the little brother of someone I know. Only 21 years old. He had but a few weeks of service left before he was due back on British soil. Now he's gone.
The pain in his big sisters eyes was indescribable.
A sad day.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Bye bye Bobby.
The Zoo with Cissi & MJ yest was lovely, as always.
Was very sad to hear though that the male silverback gorilla, Bobby, had past away on December 5th last year. I had no idea so it was a bit of a shock...
Might sound silly to be sad over the death of an animal you've never even had physical contact with, but I have seen a lot of Bobby and his girls during my time as a volunteer - and he really did have a very strong personality. Very strange to know that he's gone.
Read more about Bobby here.
L x
Was very sad to hear though that the male silverback gorilla, Bobby, had past away on December 5th last year. I had no idea so it was a bit of a shock...
Might sound silly to be sad over the death of an animal you've never even had physical contact with, but I have seen a lot of Bobby and his girls during my time as a volunteer - and he really did have a very strong personality. Very strange to know that he's gone.
Read more about Bobby here.
L x
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Chiswick way of life.
Just had another one of those lovely weekend days in Chiswick.
Woke up late, had Starbucks breakfast, met Cissi, walked for two hours by the sunny Thames, talked about life, love and all that other stuff. Peeped into luxurious riverside houses, discussed what-ifs and what-nots, philosophized about the future, had a drink at the pub.
Then home, tired but happy, eating nice food and far too much chocolate. Feels good.
Tomorrow; the Zoo.
L x
Woke up late, had Starbucks breakfast, met Cissi, walked for two hours by the sunny Thames, talked about life, love and all that other stuff. Peeped into luxurious riverside houses, discussed what-ifs and what-nots, philosophized about the future, had a drink at the pub.
Then home, tired but happy, eating nice food and far too much chocolate. Feels good.
Tomorrow; the Zoo.
L x
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