Tuesday, July 11, 2006

First day & more escapades

So, it's been and gone - my first day. It was good, lots of info, tons of new faces, millions of names, etc. Think it will work out great. V slow yesterday apparently, not too much going on. It's the quiet season - everybody's on hol. Good for my warm-up.

More drunken weirdness saturday, joined D's flatmate + friends out (w/o D though), went to bar (including Nobu, v nice) and had one and then two and then three glasses of wine. Ooops. Well, it was fun anyway; ended up getting cosy with the flatmate's cute friend (what's up with me and these Brits?), thereby securing a gentlemanly delivery of myself at door step (no, nothing else) late night - no walking alone drunk in central London in heels, brilliant! Maybe this is the way to go.

Did however text the gentleman in question yesterday asking him out for drinks later on, got no answer. Well well.

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