Sunday, July 23, 2006

To throw yourself in front of a train

Walking into town today (yes I do walk, my butt's grown rapidly lately!), I ended up amidst a frenzy of police cars, ambulances and fire trucks outside Queensway station. 7/7-05 very easily pops into your head living in London, so I had to find out. "Well, love, someone's under the train you see - and it's a bit of a hassle getting him out".

I still feel sick. Why on earth would you do this? And I don't mean to yourself - if you really desperately want to kill yourself, by all means go ahead; but for God's sake think of the poor people who have to scrape you up! Same goes for people who choose to drive their car into someone random else's - what a cowardly way to go. Take a pill for heaven's sake.

However, this particular case might have been an accident/murder - I don't know for sure. But there's plenty of the "voluntary" ones going on too.

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